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Our fire extinguisher practical training course is suitable for any person who may be expected to use firefighting equipment in the event of a fire within the workplace. This course will ensure those persons have received the appropriate training and familiarisation in the use of fire extinguishers and complies with the requirements laid out within the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety ) Order (2005).<\/p>","course_info":"

Fire Extinguisher Training Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

This qualification gives the learner knowledge and understanding of when it is safe to tackle fires using extinguishers. Learn the properties of a variety of different types of fires and the correct extinguisher to use to help minimise damage and potential injury. Understand how to comply with legislation and how to perform routine inspections and gain a better overall understanding of fire safety practices.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Delegates will understand how to undertake routine extinguisher inspections and follow correct protocol in order to comply with legal guidelines and legislation, such as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Fire Extinguisher Training Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
  • Learners will develop their knowledge and skills in fire safety, to include:<\/li>\r\n\t
  • An Introduction to fire extinguishers.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • Fire types and which extinguishers are suitable for use.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • When it is safe to use an extinguisher.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • Understanding and meeting legal guidelines and legislation.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • How to perform routine inspections.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • How to keep records.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • Practical extinguisher hands on training session using a fire simulator.<\/li>\r\n\t
  • Feel confident to be able to tackle small bin sized fires should this occur in the workplace.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

    Facilities Required<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

    This practical simulation course requires the following:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

    • A safe area, equal to 4 car parking spaces, as an absolute minimum<\/li>\r\n\t
    • Located in a safe location away from flammable materials\/COSHH or waste<\/li>\r\n\t
    • Away from the public and the remainder of the workforce or buildings<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

      Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

      In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with industry guidelines, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is ten.<\/p>","assessment":"

      Learners will be required to participate in a live fire scenario set by the trainer to confirm their understanding and safe use of a fire extinguisher.<\/p>","certification":"

      Successful learners will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Fire Extinguisher Training certificate and photo ID card valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"


      If more than 10 learners, often split over an AM and a PM session on-site due to it being a short duration course. <\/p>\r\n\r\n

      Other progression<\/p>\r\n\r\n

      Attendance on a Fire Warden\/Marshal to consolidate responsibilities<\/p>\r\n\r\n

      Fire Risk Assessment training<\/p>\r\n\r\n

      Legal Requirements<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

      The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005<\/strong>, under regulation 21 Training<\/strong> states you must include suitable and sufficient instructions and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself\/herself and other relevant persons in the premises. A suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment will also allow you to determine the extent of training that may be required depending on hazards on site.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Fire-Extinguisher-Training---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Fire Extinguisher Training Course","meta_description":"3 hour fire extinguisher course. Practical course that meets the specifications of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety ) Order (2005). 3 year certification.","created_at":"2018-05-01 12:44:51","updated_at":"2021-08-12 13:16:19","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"related_courses":[{"id":34,"title":"Certificate in Controlling Health Risks Construction (CCHRC)","slug":"\/course\/certificate-controlling-health-risks-construction-cchrc","enabled":1,"bookable":0,"grant_available":1,"accreditation":"BOHS","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"CCHRC","duration":"1 Day","certificate_expiry":0,"who_should_attend":"

      The Certificate in Controlling Health Risks Construction (CCHRC) course is for anyone who has functional responsibility for controlling health risks on a construction site, such as site supervisors and site managers.  It provides learners with the knowledge to identify and control common health risks on construction sites in order to prevent workplace ill health.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

      According to HSE, a construction worker is currently 100 times more likely to die from an occupational disease than an accident at work.<\/p>","course_info":"

      Construction Industry Support Through CCHRC Training<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

      The focus over the years on reducing the number of accidents on construction sites has generated impressive results. However, there are some real issues and concerns surrounding Ill Health currently within the Construction environment and the same effort must be afforded to Ill-Health management. Attendance on this course is heavily supported and recommended by The Health in Construction Leadership Group (HCLG), Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and BOHS Breathe Freely.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

      • 80,000 workers suffering from work-related ill health each year<\/em><\/li>\r\n\t
      • 20% of workers reporting work-related breathing and lung problems identified \u2018dusts from stone, cement, bricks or concrete\u2019 as contributing to their condition<\/em><\/li>\r\n\t
      • Elevated incidence of contact dermatitis for workers in the construction industry<\/em><\/li>\r\n\t
      • Occupational deafness and HAVS still problematic<\/em><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

        Labour Force Survey (LFS)<\/em><\/p>\r\n\r\n

        CCHRC Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

        ESS are delighted to offer this CCHRC course which has been designed to give all tiers of management a more advanced understanding and awareness of the health hazards they, or their workforce, could come across on a construction site, such as dusts, HAVs, UV, noise, gases and more. It informs them about the most common health risks associated with construction work, and how to control these risks correctly in order to reduce workplace ill health for themselves and their colleagues, whilst staying abreast of legal compliance.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

        Main Subject Areas<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

        Health risks on construction sites:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

        • Risk assessments<\/li>\r\n\t
        • Chemical hazards<\/li>\r\n\t
        • Physical hazards<\/li>\r\n\t
        • Ergonomic hazards<\/li>\r\n\t
        • Principles of control \u2013 Full overview<\/li>\r\n\t
        • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & RPE<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

          Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

          In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with the Scheme rules, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is twenty. In order to ensure learners share experiences and learning skills during group exercises and discussions, the minimum number is 6.<\/p>","assessment":"

          Learners pass the course by successfully completing a multiple-choice examination.<\/p>","certification":"

          Learners who pass the CCHRC course will receive the Certificate in Controlling Health Risks on Construction Sites.<\/p>","more_details":"


          This course is set at level 2, comparable to the NEBOSH Health and Safety at Work Qualification.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/certificate-in-controlling-health-risks-construction-cchrc-v1-aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Certificate in Controlling Health Risks Construction (CCHRC) Course","meta_description":"1 day Certificate in CCHRC. Attendees will be able to identify and control common health risks on construction sites reducing accidents and occupational illness. Course is accredited by BOHS.","created_at":"2018-04-07 09:36:59","updated_at":"2020-11-16 15:18:23","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":34}},{"id":54,"title":"Fire Marshal \/ Warden","slug":"\/course\/fire-marshal-warden","enabled":1,"bookable":1,"grant_available":0,"accreditation":"ESS Certificate","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"MARSHAL","duration":"Half Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

          Our Fire Marshal (also known as Fire Warden) course is suitable and designed for any person responsible for fire safety or who are designated as fire wardens\/marshals within their workplace. Fire Marshal\/Warden Training is essential to ensure that employees who are designated as a Fire Wardens or Fire Marshals, understand their role and their duties within the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This course is equally suitable for those wishing to upskill their existing knowledge or develop a greater safety awareness and understanding about the hazards and risks surrounding poor fire management. This course is suitable for all businesses but upon request, we can bespoke to a particular industry.<\/p>","course_info":"

          Fire Marshal Training Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

          Our half-day Fire Marshal\/Warden qualification has been designed for anyone that is required to adopt the role of Fire Marshal\/Warden in the workplace as part of a Safe System of Work and Risk Assessment. This course has been designed to comply and meet the needs and requirements as stated within the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and covers duties and roles, fires and fire spread, evacuation and control, and general fire safety precautions and procedures.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

          Fire Marshal Training Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
          • Learners will develop their knowledge and skills in fire safety, to include:<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire awareness in the workplace<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire extinguishers in buildings and workplaces<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Classes and types of fire<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Safety tips when using fire extinguishers<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire hazards and risks in the workplace<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Effective fire drills<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire alarms\/smoke alarms and fixed installations<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Assembly points and coordination<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire evacuation \u2013 general principles and safety advice and plans<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Fire risk assessment overview<\/li>\r\n\t
          • Summary of daily, weekly and monthly Warden checks<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

            Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

            In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with industry guidelines, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is ten.<\/p>","assessment":"

            Multiple choice question paper.<\/p>","certification":"

            Successful learners of the Fire Marshal training course will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Fire Warden\/Marshal certificate valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"

            Legal Requirements<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

            The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005<\/strong>, under regulation 21 Training<\/strong> states you must include suitable and sufficient instructions and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself\/herself and other relevant persons in the premises. A suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment will also allow you to determine the extent of training that may be required depending on hazards on site.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

            How Many Fire Warden\/Marshals Do I have to Nominate Legally?<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

            Under the current legislation you are required to appoint as many Fire Marshals as you need to effectively carry out your emergency evacuation procedures in accordance with a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment.  You will also need to consider cover for annual leave, shift patterns and sickness.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Fire-Marshal--Warden---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Fire Marshal \/ Warden Training Course","meta_description":"Fire Marshal or Warden training. This half day course is delivered by experts and gives delegates a three year certificate which allows them to perform the role of fire warden or marshal. Book online now!","created_at":"2018-05-01 12:46:58","updated_at":"2021-08-12 13:56:07","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":54}},{"id":8,"title":"Manual Handling","slug":"\/course\/manual-handling","enabled":1,"bookable":1,"grant_available":0,"accreditation":"ESS Certificate","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"MH","duration":"Half Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

            This manual handling training course is a superb way to show your staff how to lift safely in a high impact 3 hour course. Once your staff have attended this manual handling training course, they will know have to look after their back properly and your business will be protected from the cost of absenteeism and litigation.<\/p>","course_info":"

            Manual Handling Training Course Aim<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

            By the end of the course the delegate should be able to:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

            • Demonstrate the correct method of manual handling of objects.<\/li>\r\n\t
            • Understand their responsibilities under relevant legislation.<\/li>\r\n\t
            • Demonstrate the practices of manual handling and lifting as described in The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

              Manual Handling Training Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
              • MHOR 2002<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Relevant regulations\/legislation<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Duties of employees<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Duties of employers<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Introduction to manual handling<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Principles of good movement<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Types and causes of injury<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Anatomy of the spine<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Theoretical examination<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Identifying the load<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Mechanical aids<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Task analysis<\/li>\r\n\t
              • Practical application of lifting, pushing, pulling and carrying<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is ten.<\/p>","assessment":"

                Multiple choice question paper.<\/p>","certification":"

                Delegates will be awarded an Essential Site Skills certificate of attendance, valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"

                Manual handling training should be a regular occurrence for members of staff in a variety of different workplaces and roles as it can:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                • Improve work skills<\/li>\r\n\t
                • Improve productivity<\/li>\r\n\t
                • Help identify unsafe workers<\/li>\r\n\t
                • Help identify employees at risk of injury<\/li>\r\n\t
                • Help identity risks in the work place<\/li>\r\n\t
                • Give staff confidence in their tasks<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                  Raising Awareness<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Many employees simply aren't aware that there are physical risks involved with their job. Those that have this mindset often occur injuries through lack of training. Manual handling courses for employees <\/span>highlights potential dangers and helps staff understand the importunate of good practice. <\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Best Practice<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Manual handling training doesn't just point out the bad, it helps to rectify it by showing best practice. Employees will be taught the correct ways of doing things and how to be safe in the future within their work.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Teaching in the Work Place<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Many companies who offer manual handling training can do so in the work place. Learning in an environment where you spend every day allows staff to directly assimilate the best practices into their own working day easily. This is likely to achieve better results and less injuries.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Learning Through Experience<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  There is no point in doing a sit-down class when it comes to manual handling training. That is like teaching somebody to drive without getting behind the wheel. Getting hands on is imperative for employees so they can physically feel how a task or technique should be properly carried out.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Health Conscious Workforce<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  The promotion of best practice in the work place equals healthy staff who are free of injury. This means they are more productive, efficient and safe. It can often lead some staff members on to being interested in First Aid courses. <\/span><\/p>\r\n

                  \r\n<\/footer>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Manual-Handling---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Manual Handling Training Course","meta_description":"3 hour Manual Handling course. This high impact course will deliver learners are practical training session that will teach them how to lift safely without risking injury. Lasts 3 years.","created_at":"2018-03-20 09:29:11","updated_at":"2021-08-16 14:55:57","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":8}},{"id":55,"title":"Fire Safety Awareness","slug":"\/course\/fire-safety-awareness","enabled":1,"bookable":0,"grant_available":0,"accreditation":"ESS Certificate","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"FIRE","duration":"Half Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

                  Any person or Organisational employees, in any industry and in any country who may require more awareness about Fire and associated procedures and precautions.<\/p>","course_info":"

                  Fire Safety Awareness Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                  This course is designed for all employees as an introduction to fire awareness and is an excellent addition to include in your company induction programme for new employees.  It deals with how fires can occur and what to do in the event of a fire. The course also provides a foundation for those employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by progressing to more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (see our Fire Warden\/Marshal course).<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                  Fire Safety Awareness Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
                  • The common causes of fire<\/li>\r\n\t
                  • The behaviour of fire<\/li>\r\n\t
                  • Fire prevention<\/li>\r\n\t
                  • What to do if a fire breaks out<\/li>\r\n\t
                  • How to use fire extinguishers<\/li>\r\n\t
                  • Emergency evacuation procedures<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                    Course Benefits<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                    The Fire Safety Order requires that fire safety training is provided to staff when they commence employment and that refresher training is provided on a regular basis.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Fire is often the biggest safety risk any businesses may have. Without fire safety training your insurances may not be valid and your staff are left vulnerable.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Don't think a fire won't happen to you, last year there were over 33,000 recorded fires in UK businesses and community buildings. Protect your staff now and give them the best chance of escape if a fire does happen.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Fire Safety Training is not only a legal requirement, it also saves lives and protects businesses.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Don't wait until it's too late!<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                    In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with industry guidelines, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is ten.<\/p>","assessment":"

                    Multiple choice question paper.<\/p>","certification":"

                    Successful learners will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Fire Safety Awareness certificate valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"

                    Legal Requirements<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005<\/strong>, under regulation 21 Training<\/strong> states you must include suitable and sufficient instructions and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself\/herself and other relevant persons in the premises. A suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment will also allow you to determine the extent of training that may be required depending on hazards on site.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Fire-Safety-Awareness---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Fire Safety Awareness Training Course","meta_description":"Half-day Fire Safety Awareness course. Learners will develop knowledge of how fires spread, how to prevent them and what to do when fires break out. Includes extinguisher training.","created_at":"2018-05-01 12:49:20","updated_at":"2021-08-12 14:02:57","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":55}},{"id":58,"title":"Hotworks Fire Safety","slug":"\/course\/hotworks-fire-safety","enabled":1,"bookable":0,"grant_available":1,"accreditation":"ESS Certificate","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"HOT","duration":"Half Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

                    Our bespoke hotworks fire safety training course is aimed at staff involved with hotworks activities giving rise to a fire risk and who may need to operate a fire extinguisher.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    On completion of the course, delegates will be able to safely conduct hotworks including cutting, welding and grinding in the context of their company permit to work system.<\/p>","course_info":"

                    Hotworks Fire Safety Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                    The hot works course is designed to give learners an understanding of basic fire safety in the workplace including relevant safe systems of work, method statements and permit to work procedures when carrying out hot works activities.  On successful completion of this course, learners will be able to work to a safe system of work including understating method statement and works in accordance with a hot works permit. The learners will also understand the fire safety requirements associated with hot works and have a practical understanding of fire prevention and safe use of fire extinguishers and fire blanket in the workplace.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                    Hotworks Fire Safety Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
                    • Learners will develop their knowledge and skills in fire safety, to include:<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Legislation, including CDM Regulations<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Principles of fire safety<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Hotworks fire statistics<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Role of permit issuers<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Risk Assessment<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Firewatch<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Actions before Hotworks<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Actions during Hotworks<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Actions when Hotworks have finished<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Your procedures<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Record keeping<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Extinguishers theory<\/li>\r\n\t
                    • Extinguishers practice<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                      Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                      In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with industry guidelines, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is twelve.<\/p>","assessment":"

                      Multiple choice question paper.<\/p>","certification":"

                      Successful learners will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Hotworks Fire Safety certificate valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"

                      Legal Requirements<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                      The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005<\/strong>, under regulation 21 Training<\/strong> states you must include suitable and sufficient instructions and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself\/herself and other relevant persons in the premises. A suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment will also allow you to determine the extent of training that may be required depending on hazards on site.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                      Where are hot work permit training courses held?<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                      Since the risks, methods and tools will vary from site to site, it is often beneficial to arrange hot work permit training in-house at the site at which the work will take place. This allows the instructors to demonstrate the practical elements of the course in a real life situation, making the training feel more relevant and practical for the learners.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Hotworks-Fire-Safety---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Hotworks Fire Safety Training Course","meta_description":"Bespoke hotworks fire safety course. Specialised training for workers who perform hot works activities as part of their role. ESS certificate.","created_at":"2018-05-01 12:55:31","updated_at":"2021-08-12 14:21:41","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":58}},{"id":62,"title":"Level 2 Award in Fire Safety","slug":"\/course\/level-2-award-fire-safety","enabled":1,"bookable":0,"grant_available":0,"accreditation":"Qualsafe Awards","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"L2FIRE","duration":"1 Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

                      The QA Level 2 Award in Fire Safety (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification that has been specifically designed for anyone who has a specific responsibility for fire safety in the workplace, such as designated fire wardens\/fire marshals<\/p>","course_info":"

                      Fire Safety Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                      This course is designed for all employees as an introduction to fire awareness and is an excellent addition to include in your company induction programme for new employees as CPD regulated training.  It deals with how fires can occur and what to do in the event of a fire. The course also provides a foundation for those employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by progressing to more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (see our Fire Warden\/Marshal course).<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                      Fire Safety Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
                      • The common causes of fire<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • The behaviour of fire<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Fire triangle and fire spread<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Fire Law<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Duties of Employers and Employees<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Fire prevention<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Identifying Hazards<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • How to use fire extinguishers<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Emergency evacuation procedures<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Fire Safety inspections and basic risk<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Fire safety briefings<\/li>\r\n\t
                      • Role of nominated fire warden<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                        Fire Safety Course Benefits<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                        The Fire Safety Order requires that fire safety training is provided to staff when they commence employment and that refresher training is provided on a regular basis.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Fire is often the biggest safety risk any businesses may have. Without fire safety training your insurances may not be valid and your staff are left vulnerable.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Don't think a fire won't happen to you, last year there were over 33,000 recorded fires in UK businesses and community buildings. Protect your staff now and give them the best chance of escape if a fire does happen.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Fire Safety Training is not only a legal requirement, it also saves lives and protects businesses.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Don't wait until it's too late!<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                        In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with industry guidelines, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is sixteen.<\/p>","assessment":"

                        Formative assessments \u2013 a range of informal assessment procedures employed by the Trainer\/Assessor during the learning process to measure each Learner\u2019s knowledge, skills and understanding related to the assessment criteria<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Theory assessment\/multiple choice question papers \u2013 there is 1 paper per unit for each Learner and Learners should answer all the questions under \u2018examination\u2019 conditions, see QA Multiple Choice Question<\/p>","certification":"

                        Successful learners will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Fire Safety Awareness certificate valid for 3 years with refresher recommended at this point.<\/p>","more_details":"

                        Legal Requirements<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005<\/strong>, under regulation 21 Training<\/strong> states you must include suitable and sufficient instructions and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself\/herself and other relevant persons in the premises. A suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment will also allow you to determine the extent of training that may be required depending on hazards on site.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Level-2-Award-in-Fire-Safety---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Level 2 Award in Fire Safety Training Course","meta_description":"Level 2 Qualsafe Award. Designed for any workers that have specific responsibilities to ensure fire safety in their workplace and need training for the role. A legal requirement!","created_at":"2018-05-01 13:05:05","updated_at":"2021-08-16 14:40:19","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":62}},{"id":75,"title":"Risk Assessment Training","slug":"\/course\/risk-assessment-training","enabled":1,"bookable":0,"grant_available":0,"accreditation":"ESS Certificate","available_in_company":0,"abbreviation":"RISK","duration":"Half Day","certificate_expiry":3,"who_should_attend":"

                        This risk assessment training course is aimed at personnel who have been given the task of carrying out and communicating risk assessments such as Managers, supervisors and business owners. <\/p>","course_info":"

                        Risk Assessment Training Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                        The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require all organisations with 5 or more staff to carry out written health and safety risk assessments of all their significant hazards.  This risk assessment training will give learners guidance into the application of these legal requirements in the workplace.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        The concept of \u2018risk assessments\u2019 can often strike fear amongst organisations and to those responsible for carrying them out, our Risk Assessment course explains in simple terms how to approach risk assessments and carry them out on your own.  The skill to risk assessments is to prioritise risks and then focus on areas where the consequences of hazards are most severe. It really isn\u2019t any more complicated than that.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Risk Assessment Training Course Aim<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                        To equip delegates with the knowledge and skills to be able to carry out risk assessments. Risk assessments are vital to protect your workers and your business. Helping you to focus on the risks that really matter, our risk assessment course will provide you with all the skills you need to comply with the law.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                        Risk Assessment Training Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
                        • Moral, legal and financial reasons for health & safety<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • What is a hazard?<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • What is a risk?<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • The differences between near misses and accidents<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • The 5 steps to risk assessment<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • Principles of prevention<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • Control measures<\/li>\r\n\t
                        • Practical exercise<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                          Risk Assessment Training Learning Outcomes<\/h2>\r\n\r\n
                          • An understanding of key practical risk assessment techniques<\/li>\r\n\t
                          • The ability to identify hazards and evaluate risk to know how to implement monitoring and when and how to perform the review process<\/li>\r\n\t
                          • To be able to apply all these techniques almost any environment or activity such as Manual Handling, Computer Operators, Young Workers, etc<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n

                            Learner Numbers<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

                            In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with the Scheme rules, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is twelve.<\/p>","assessment":"

                            Multiple choice question paper and a short practical exercise to confirm knowledge and understanding.<\/p>","certification":"

                            Successful learners will be awarded an Essential Site Skills Risk Assessment Training certificate valid for 3 years.<\/p>","more_details":"

                            Benefits of Risk Assessment Training<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

                            By the end of the course you will performing your own risk assessments with confidence meaning you will leave with the ability to carry out your own risk assessments at your workplace without assistance.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

                            By attending the risk assessment course, you will be in a position to protect your staff and your business, as well as complying with the law.<\/p>","hidden_content":"","download":"\/Course-Overviews---Commercial\/Risk-Assessment-Training---v1-Aug20.pdf","seo_title":"Risk Assessment Training Course","meta_description":"Half day risk assessment course This accredited Risk Assessment training course from Essential Site Skills will teach managers and supervisors to carry out proper risk assessments. Click to enquire.","created_at":"2018-05-01 14:35:57","updated_at":"2021-09-08 09:13:32","minimum_requirements":null,"deleted_at":null,"pivot":{"course_id":53,"related_course_id":75}}],"related_products":[]}" :phone=""0115 8970 529"">






  • 学员将发展他们在消防安全方面的知识和技能,包括:
  • 灭火器简介。
  • 适合使用的灭火器类型。
  • 当使用灭火器是安全的时候。
  • 理解并遵守法律指引和法规。
  • 如何进行例行检查。
  • 如何保存记录。
  • 使用火灾模拟器的实用灭火器实践培训课程。
  • 如果这种情况在工作场所发生,你有信心能够处理垃圾箱大小的火灾。



  • 一个安全区域,相当于4个停车位,作为绝对最小值
  • 位于远离易燃材料/COSHH或废物的安全位置
  • 远离公众和剩余的劳动力或建筑物











