Office Health and Safety


ESS Certificate

Course duration

1 Day

Certificate valid for

3 years

Book this course today. Call 0115 8970 529 or click here to send us a message
This Office Health and Safety course is suitable for anyone who works in an office workplace, including managers, supervisors, full-time and part-time employees. The course is designed at an introductory level and so no prerequisite training or knowledge is required.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their workers are trained in health and safety matters and this course will help you to comply with that responsibility. This requirement applies to employees of all levels, including part-timers and work experience staff.<\/p>","course_info":"

Office Health and Safety Course Overview<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

Our Office Health and Safety course provides an introduction and a greater awareness of Health and Safety hazards within the office environment, actions you can take to keep the workplace safe and the health and safety legislation and its requirements.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Office Health and Safety Course Aim<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

The aim of this course is to improve office health and safety amongst employees and raise general awareness.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Office Health and Safety Training Course Content<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

During the course you will cover the following areas:<\/p>\r\n\r\n

This Office Health and Safety course is suitable for anyone who works in an office workplace, including managers, supervisors, full-time and part-time employees. The course is designed at an introductory level and so no prerequisite training or knowledge is required.


Office Health and Safety Course Overview

Our Office Health and Safety course provides an introduction and a greater awareness of Health and Safety hazards within the office environment, actions you can take to keep the workplace safe and the health and safety legislation and its requirements.

Office Health and Safety Course Aim

The aim of this course is to improve office health and safety amongst employees and raise general awareness.


During the course you will cover the following areas:

  • Statistics and injury awareness within the office environment
  • Health and Safety Law including employer and employee responsibilities
  • Training, information and instruction
  • Risk
  • Common hazards within the office environment
  • Slips and trips
  • Electrical Safety
  • Manual handling with practical demonstration and imitation
  • Ladders and step ladder safety
  • Electrical safety, cabling, extensions and Pat testing. Including photocopier and shredder safety
  • Display Screen Equipment
  • Wellbeing and stress prevention
  • Accident and reporting

Learner Numbers

In order to ensure the interaction between the learners and the tutor is spread evenly and effectively, and to ensure the courses are fully delivered in accordance with the Scheme rules, the maximum number of learners allowed on a course is ten.

Multiple choice question paper.

Upon successful completion learners will be issued with an Essential Site Skills Office Health and Safety certificate valid for 3 years.

All workplaces contain hazards that can affect your health and safety if not carefully controlled. As an employee it’s important that you have an awareness of the risks so that you can spot the dangers and take action to prevent them from causing you harm.

Health and safety is often overlooked by businesses that operate from office premises. Indeed, there is a perception that office workers do not have to contend with risk, and that a health and safety policy is therefore unnecessary. However this is not the case.

In reality, office workers face a variety of potential hazards in the workplace. While these hazards may not be as dramatic as those endured by buildersor crane operators, they are nonetheless very real. As an employer you have a legal responsibility to provide as safe an environment as possible for your staff. There is a wide range of healthy and safety tasks you should complete, and factors you should consider, in order to achieve this. The Office Health and Safety training course is a perfect way of ensuring risks are reduced.
